Midwest Cards Discount Coupon & Promo codes

Ohio where you at? Specifically Midwest Cards from Columbus, Ohio where you at?!?!?!

We’re super excited to start observing Midwest Cards since they tend to have some of the most competitive prices for online wax boxes and cases from brands such as Panini America, Topps, Upper Deck, Break King & Tristar HIdden Treasures.

In 2022, we built a really cool price comparison tools that helps you compare the current (and historical) prices of trading card wax boxes and cases. Please check out Waxstat

What are the Coupon Promo Codes for Midwest Cards?

There may be a few coupon codes for Midwest Cards that are very similar to the promo codes and coupons codes of Blowout Cards, Steel City Collectibles & Dave & Adam’s Card World in October 2022. These codes are available at the end of September 2022, so don’t wait to use them!

  • BREAK10 - SAVE $10 OFF $250

  • BREAK20 - SAVE $20 OFF $500

  • BREAK50 - SAVE $50 OFF $1000

  • BREAK125 - SAVE $125 OFF $2500

  • BREAK250 - SAVE $250 OFF $5000

What are the hottest hobby boxes and cases from Midwest Cards?

There’s so many wax boxes and cases! OMG! We’re excited for all the new releases for soccer, non-sport and baseball! We’re ready to rip open a few packs:

Does Midwest Cards offer free shipping coupon promo codes?

It does not appear that there is free shipping with Midwest Cards. According to their website, ship using UPS, FedEx or USPS Priority Mail and Midwest Cards provides a tracking confirmation number. You can also take 15% off any basketball or football such as a 2022 Bowman Sterling Baseball Hobby Box.

Is one Midwest Card’s coupon code any better than their other promo codes?

Yes! So keep in mind that Midwest offers discounts of $10 with a minimum order of $250 (a 4% discount) and up to $250 off an order of $5000 (a 5% discount). These are some of the best discounts we’ve seen in awhile, so use them!

Is there an expiration date for the Midwest Card’s coupon code?

After looking over all the different web pages and Google searches, we couldn’t find an expiration date for Midwest Cards, but don’t chance it. I wouldn’t wait until the last minute to take advantage of that 10% discount of $1000 off a $10000 minimum order. You don’t want to be getting too excited for a 2022 Bowman Sterling Baseball Hobby 12-Box Case only to get angry at yourself because you waited too long to use the Midwest Card’s coupon code.

Are there any limitations for the Midwest Card’s coupons?

It’s not clear if there are any limitations of the coupons or promo codes for Midwest Cards. You likely will only be allowed to use one promo code per order per customer (and maybe per address). So if you want to stack your coupons, make sure you have different accounts with different mailing addresses.

Is there a military discount for Midwest Cards in 2022?

The women and men of the US Military want a Midwest Cards coupon code for October 2022 coupon code! Unfortunately, we could not find a military discount for Midwest Cards.. We’re hoping they will add additional promotions for the women and men who served for the United States Armed Forces. Let’s go!

What is the phone number for Midwest Cards?

What is the email address for Midwest Card’s customer service?

What is the mailing address for Midwest Card’s?

  • Midwest Cards Retail Store, 274 Marconi Blvd Ste 230, Columbus, OH 43215

What are the operating hours of Midwest Cards?

  • Tuesday-Saturday: 10am - 5pm

  • Sunday & Monday: Closed

Are there any discounts and promo codes from other sports cards online retailers?


Hit Kings Sports Cards Discount Coupon & Promo codes


SLabstat’s WaxStat - a free wax box and case price tracking tool