Online Local Card Shop

“I’m really glad the SLabstat team has listened to our problems and created an easy-to-use solution where our members can easily claim break slots in real-time and I don’t have to maintain that process manually.”

— Johnny Lee, founder of eLCS


Johnny Lee and friends started a Facebook Group dedicated to the card hobby, Online Local Card Shop. The group is a “one stop shop for all things trading cards, collectibles and NFTs”. Additionally they want it to be an information hub to share news and tips & tricks regarding the hobby.

Technology used

Facebook Groups

Facebook Live

The Problem

Johnny is a breaker and used the group as a means to distribute his breaks to a large and growing audience. He was frustrated by the chaos of comments from his group members trying to claim slots. Johnny would have to constantly watch the thread, update his posting with claims and then chase payments from the members. It was a lot of work.

The Solution

SLabstat makes it easy for Facebook groups like Online Local Card Shop to organize all of their breaks and reduce the clutter by having their group members use SLabstat’s easy-to-use claiming system in real-time. The seller can create a SLabstat listing and share the URL on the Facebook group. Buyers can easily click the link and claim slots and complete their payments. For Johnny, his workload in organizing the break went down. No more updating the posting on slot availability, and less work having to chase payments and gather shipping information.

The Effect

Johnny says, “SLabstat has made it easy for me to run breaks with their easy-to-use web app. I don’t have to waste time updating a Facebook posting at all hours of the night.” He adds, “I’m really glad the SLabstat team has listened to our problems and created an easy-to-use solution where our members can easily claim break slots in real-time and I don’t have to maintain that process manually.”

How to reach eLCS?

eLCS Facebook Group
